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How did we get to this point?Great question. Years of prayer preceded this recommendation. During that time many options were considered and explored. Discussions with our ministry groups, board, and staff were ongoing. While contemplating building plans, we remained focused on mission and ministries. Our goal is to facilitate ministry to the next generation. This expansion has been the dream of our church family for more than three decades.
What is the total projected cost?$2.2 Million.
Why are we starting a capital campaign?This capital campaign provides us with an opportunity to challenge one another to prayerfully consider our individual involvement to the campaign, as well as our personal commitment to the Lord. While finances committed will enable us to build our new facility, our ultimate vision is to become fully committed disciples in all areas of life.
Can I divide my giving between my regular offering and FOR:40?We strongly encourage you to make your commitment "over and above" any other giving to our church. The ministries and missions that we currently support still need to be funded. We ask that you not transfer current giving to the Capital Campaign.
How much $$ will we need to borrow?We will be borrowing money to start the project via a construction loan. The amount we borrow in total will depend upon what God provides through His people. It depends on our response to the campaign. The more we raise in our Capital Campaign, the less we will need to borrow.
Do I have flexibility in my financial commitment?Yes, there are three general categories under which you can make your commitment: 1. One-time cash gifts. 2. Regular weekly or monthly gifts of a specified amount over the next three years. 3. Non-cash assets such as property, stocks, bonds, etc.
May I give assets other than cash?Yes. There may be tremendous tax advantages to giving assets other than cash. One of the members of our campaign team will be happy to discuss this with you, or you may choose to consult with your personal tax advisor.
How will commitments be received?Your financial commitment will be placed in a sealed envelope so that the confidentiality of your commitment can be maintained. What you give is always an act of worship between you and God alone.
Why will my name be requested on the commitment card?We trust that if you make a commitment in good faith, relying upon God to help you meet it, you will complete it. However, there are some very practical reasons for having names on commitments: 1. Loan Requirements: Our project funding plan requires bank financing. It’s not unusual for the lender to ask whether the church has signed pledges in hand (unsigned pledges have no weight with a lender). 2. Pledge Validation: The church needs to know that the pledge is valid. Strange as it might seem, there have been known instances where a well-meaning teenager mistakenly completed a large pledge with dire consequences to the church campaign. Without names, you have no way of knowing whether the pledge has validity. Please note: All pledges will be processed by an outside financial consultant and will not be known to church leadership at any time.
Will I ever be asked to publicly state my pledge?Absolutely not. Any and all giving is an act of worship between you and God only.
If I should fall behind, what will happen?We will most certainly not take any action to collect on a voluntary financial commitment. Our purpose in this campaign is to provide adequate facilities so that we can continue to make forward progress in accomplishing the mission of our church. We are simply asking that you pray and seek God's guidance as to what He would have you commit to Him. We have provided Commitment Cards to help us to plan wisely.
When am I supposed to start giving?We anticipate giving toward commitments to begin on Celebration Sunday, May 28, 2023. Of course, we recognize that not everyone receives a weekly paycheck. Therefore, you may begin honoring your commitment based upon the timing that you designate on your Commitment Card and according to your income schedule.
Will I be able to revise my pledge?Certainly. Since this is a commitment between you and the Lord, you will always have an opportunity to revise your commitment. It would be helpful if changes could be communicated in a written manner so church leadership can revise their projections.
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